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Gianluca Totaro, Head of HR Department at AO UniCredit Bank, held a speech at SAP Forum

On April 21 2016, the SAP Forum 2016 took place in Moscow. This year Business in digital era was the core topic of the event.

Head of HR Department at UniCredit Bank Gianluca Totaro held a speech within a session “HR as the business partner” and gave a presentation on the topic "Human Capital Development. Lessons Learnt in Automation & Other Key Success Factors". Mr. Totaro told about Human Capital Development key success factors and shared with the audience his professional experience in this area including such subject as effective automation of processes in HR.

AO UniCredit Bank pays great attention to personnel management. The Bank occupied top places in various ratings in the area of personnel management and several times was awarded "Top Employer" by the CRF Institute.

22.04.2016 - 09:30
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