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UniCredit Bank has kept its strong positions among Russian banks according to Interfax-100 ranking as of the end of 2015

Interfax has updated its annual ranking of the largest Russian banks Interfax-100 as of the end of 2015.

UniCredit Bank has kept its position as the largest foreign bank in Russia in terms of assets and equity as well as confirmed its position among the most profitable banks in Russia and took the following positions: 

  • № 10 in Top-100 Russian banks by assets 
  • № 7 in Top-100 Russian banks by equity
  • № 12 in Top-100 Russian banks ranking by profit

Figures in the quarterly ranking Interfax-100 are calculated by the original method of Interfax-CEA based on banks financial statements in accordance with RAS published on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and may differ from the official financial statements.

29.01.2016 - 12:15
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