Savings and deposits

Special deposits «Plus»

Your personal manager will advise you on the allocation of free funds on deposits, will save your time and offer favorable conditions for cooperation with us, as well as make communication with the Bank easy and enjoyable.

Our Private Banking office is equipped with modern safe deposit boxes with a multi-level security system. Private Banking banks in Switzerland are equipped with the same class of safe deposit boxes.

The Bank guarantees the safety of the client’s objects of value placed in the safe deposit box and ensures the secrecy of their storage:

  • objects of value are under reliable protection 24 hours a day;
  • safe deposit boxes of different sizes are available;
  • safe boxes are not threatened by fire;
  • access to the safe deposit box is provided at any time convenient for you during bank opening hours;
  • the conditions for accessing are determined by you.

Settlements with using an individual safe deposit box will provide the necessary level of reliability when you conduct transactions for the purchase or sale of expensive property, such as an apartment or a car.

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