Payment details

AO UniCredit Bank postal address and payment details

Full legal name: Joint Stock Company UniCredit Bank

Short legal name: AO UniCredit Bank

Legal address: 9, Prechistenskaya emb., Moscow, 119034, Russian Federation

Postal address: 9, Prechistenskaya emb., Moscow, 119034, Russian Federation

Call centre: +7 (495) 258-72-00

Fax: +7 (495) 956-15-24




INN: 7710030411

KPP: 770401001

OKPO: 09807247


BIK: 044525545

OGRN: 1027739082106


Correspondent account with Main Branch of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for the Central Federal District, Moscow No.30101810300000000545


USD payment instructions

  • Correspondent bank: JPMorgan Chase Bank, New York, SWIFT: CHASUS33.
  • Bank of beneficiary: UniCredit Bank AO, Moscow, Russia. SWIFT: IMBKRUMM.
  • Account of beneficiary with AO UniCredit Bank: XXXXX840XXXXXXXXXXXX.
  • Full name of beneficiary:
  • Payment details:



EUR payment instructions

  • Correspondent bank: UniCredit SpA, Milan, SWIFT: UNCRITMM.
  • Bank of beneficiary: UniCredit Bank AO, Moscow, Russia. SWIFT: IMBKRUMM.
  • Account of beneficiary with AO UniCredit Bank: XXXXX978XXXXXXXXXXXX.
  • Full name of beneficiary:
  • Payment details:


For information on available currencies and props please contact your manager.

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