
Anyone who asserts that investing in real estate is subject to the same criteria as buying a family home is both right and wrong. Some very important differences stem from the lower level of emotional involvement. Personal preferences, for example, play a lesser role than market conditions and forecasts. So it is necessary to approach the matter differently – more objectively, more unbiased – than in the case of your own four walls.

Our real estate management activities reflect this. We do more than merely finance a property – what we are interested in, first and foremost, is its integration within a comprehensive wealth management concept and the required strategic alignment of your real estate holdings.

In doing so, we also pose critical questions. Because the motives that were once the key factors in buying a property do not always correlate with your current goals. And its performance does not always live up to expectations; nor does the diversification of your property classes and regions always reflect your actual needs. The answers to these questions aid us in working with you to optimize your real estate assets.

Client focus is what also characterizes the attitudes of your private banker and our financing specialists, who support you with their special market competence. After all, the only things that really count in connection with the issue of real estate, too, are you, your family and your individual goals.

Of course, we also assist you – in addition to real estate financing – in connection with all of your personal and business financing questions, as well as in connection with low-interest government support programs.

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