Card Solutions

UniCredit Bank offers a full spectrum of Card products, tailored-made to suit all of our Clients’ needs. The offer includes Corporate Cards, Card Acquiring, and Customs Cards.

Make use of UniCredit Bank corporate cards to streamline settlements of business and representative needs of your company, improve cost control and optimize transactions accounting.

UniCredit Bank will assist in issuing VISA Business, MasterCard Business and MIR Business  corporate cards in rubles, EUR and USD.


How does it work?

UniCredit Bank opens a special card account for your company to which all cards issued to the company’s employees are linked. Renewable money limits per day and/or per month are set for each card. When payments are made with the card the card limit and the general account balance are checked, and funds are debited from the company’s single card account.

Advantages of UniCredit Bank corporate cards

  • it is possible to automatically transfer funds to a card account from the company’s settlement account, if the account balance is below the minimum threshold;
  • flexible setting of limits, SMS notification, special card insurance for each card;
  • unlimited number of cards per account;
  • it is possible to receive statements and reports for each card through E-banking;
  • access to the Enter UniCredit system for cardholders.

UniCredit Bank is a partner of Russia's leading independent processing company United Card Service. Thanks to this partnership we provide you with high quality acquiring services.

What is the benefit of acquiring?

Acquiring is one of the most simple ways to optimize the company’s settlements. Accepting cards, you eliminate errors related to cash payments, reduce cash collection costs and accelerate cash cycle.

Acquiring may be considered as a way to increase trade turnover. Card payments will attract new customers. In addition, it will be more convenient for the customers to make major purchase, as a consequence the average total of receipts will increase.

Acquiring also improves the company's competitive ability. Your customers may be served more promptly and conveniently.

Full range of acquiring services

  • installation and maintenance of POS-terminals and cash desk solutions for card acceptance;
  • remote servicing in the absence of the customer and without a card (mail/telephone order);
  • Internet acquiring — accepting payments through your website;
  • loyalty programs on the basis of acquiring equipment;
  • providing PayPass and PayWave proximity technologies;
  • gift cards issue;
  • arranging for payments to mobile operators.

Advantages of servicing by UniCredit Bank

  • quick start;
  • 24/7 help desk;
  • free personnel training at UCS training centre;
  • protecting the company’s interests in disputes with payment systems;
  • minimum transaction time;
  • flexible transaction reporting;
  • large variety of equipment connection types (Dial Up, GSM/GPRS, IP, EFT-POS solution);
  • possibility to reconcile and monitor settlements in a personal account at UCS web-site;
  • in case goods are returned transaction fee is also returned;
  • full compliance of technologies with PCI DSS safety standards.

How to start acquiring servicing?

Please contact your bank branch to enter into an acquiring agreement, select the required technologies and start to install hardware in sales points.

Make real time customs payments with UniCredit Bank customs card.

How does it work?

If your company makes customs payments, you may receive a customs card linked to the company’s bank account and use it at all major customs posts of the Federal Customs Service of Russia. The card makes it possible to pay at the time of customs clearance. Multiple cards may be issued for a single bank account, and payments may be made at several Russian customs posts at the same time.

With a customs card there is no need to make advance settlements, reconcile payments and return overpaid funds.

This results in logistics and accounting streamlining and cost reduction.

Customs Card enables to

  • pay customs duties and levies, fines and penalties, retainment fees, payments on behalf of third parties (if a brokerage license is available for this activity);
  • customs payments may be made remotely via personal account;
  • receive information in real time, including control over cash flows and payments execution status;
  • customs payments may be made with breakdown by budget classification codes;


  • 24/7 support;
  • favourable tariffs, the card may be issued urgently;
  • notification of effected payments by e-mail and SMS;
  • security: customs cards are issued with chip-based cards and have several levels of protection, including compulsory PI-code entry when making a transaction.
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