

UniCredit Bank provides loans in the form of the overdraft in order to cover the business expenses in case of the own cash deficit. Overdraft is provided for the accounts in RUR, USD and EUR.

Loan is utilized through:

  • Client payment orders;
  • Payment claims with the exception for the loan agreement claims in case of the own funds insufficient amount.

Limit and specific terms of the overdraft are determined after the financial analysis of the Client and analysis of the average monthly revenues. Standard term of the overdraft does not exceed 12 months. Standard overdraft limit usually does not exceed 50% from the average monthly revenues credited on the account with the Bank.

Interest rate is determined based on the current cost of borrowing money on the market. Interest rate is charged from the utilization amount. The repayment of overdrafts is made out of the revenues received in the account.


  • Simplified procedure of the working capital financing: automatic disbursement/repayment without additional agreement from the Bank side.
  • Overdraft is not limited to the narrow purpose and may be used in all directions, connected with the working capital needs.
  • Overdrafts to the certain extent may stabilize the CFs of the business, providing excess to the additional cash in case of urgency..


Working capital loan

UniCredit bank offers loans for the working capital financing in rubles or foreign currency depending on the Client’s need.

Loan may be provided as a limit with the resumption of tranches (revolving line) and / or as a non-revolving line with the repayment schedule. Revolving line is usually provided in order to cover periodically arising cash gaps while maturity loan is more suitable for the purchase of the separate goods’ set. In particular cases revolving line may include the repayment schedule.

Term of the working capital loan is usually up to 24 months, however may vary depending on the industry in which the Client operates and stage of economic development.

Interest rate may be fixed or floating according to the agreement with the Client. In the second case, the loan interest rate will change together with the movement of financial markets. These options may allow clients to manage their market risks flexibly, reducing the dependence of the financial result on inflationary and market trends. Interest rate is charged from the utilization amount.

Loan is repaid in accordance with the agreed schedule or in one amount at maturity (bullet repayment).

Particular terms of the loan are determined after the detailed financial analysis of the Client.


  • Tranches or one-time disbursement depending on the business needs.
  • Stability of the cash flows in case of the cash gaps.
  • Fixed and floating interest rate option..


Investment loan

UniCredit Bank offers mid-term and long-term loans for the purpose of the investment projects financing and/or modernization of the current production facilities.

Loan may be disbursed in one amount or with tranches during the term of the utilization period.

The interest rate may be fixed or floating as agreed with the Customer. In the second case, the loan interest rate will change together with the movement of financial markets. These options allow clients to manage their market risks flexibly, reducing the dependence of the financial result on inflationary and market trends. Interest rate is charged from the utilization amount.

The loan term is set individually depending on the payback period of the proposed project. Repayment is made according to the established schedule. As a rule, the loan terms assume a pledge of the financed object.

Classification of the loan as the investment one accounts for the criteria of the repayment with the own Client’s revenues without the return of the financed project, otherwise the loan is classified as project finance.

Particular terms of the loan are determined after the detailed financial analysis of the Client and the project.


  • Tranches or one – time disbursement depending on the schedule of the investment project/terms of the project.
  • Fixed and floating interest rate option.
  • Individual approach to the term of the loan depending on the pay – back period.
  • Individual approach to the loan schedule depending on the business plan.


Structured Finance

UniCredit is one of the leaders in structured finance in Russia, as well as in Central and Eastern Europe. We offer the most optimal financing structure that is in line with international market practices and fits the needs and project requirements of our clients.

You can use our bank's services for the following purposes:

  • investment program financing
  • financing of mergers and acquisitions
  • pre-export financing secured with assignment of export proceeds
  • project and infrastructure financing
  • project finance advisory
  • «green» financing and sustainable ESG-linked and transition finance
  • coordination of syndicated loans
  • bridge financing prior to company entry into the debt capital market
  • financing of commercial real estate

To find out more about the terms and conditions you can expect at our bank, contact a UniCredit specialist. We will analyze your project, conduct an evaluation of your project's or company's credit quality and will make you a financing offer.


Dear Borrowers,

In case of pledge of assets in favor of the Bank under the Credit Agreement, those assets should be insured with an insurance company selected by the Borrower and compliant with the Bank’s requirements for insurance companies.

The Bank accepts policies of insurance companies that meet the Bank’s requirements to the form and content of Insurance Agreement, financial sustainability and insurance protection requirements.

You may enter into an Insurance Agreement with one of the insurance companies whose compliance with the Bank’s requirements has already been confirmed.

It is also possible to choose a different insurance company or change the insurance company during the term of the Insurance Agreement for another one compliant with the Bank’s requirements and that the Borrower considers trustworthy.

In such case a set of documents for analysis should be provided to the Bank prior to Insurance Agreement signing. Documents should be sent to in PDF and/or Excel format. Paper copies should also be sent to the address: Moscow, Prechistenskaya emb., 9 with a mark «To the attention of Financial Institutions Group».

The Bank should consider the documents and make a final judgement within 60 working days from the day of full set of documents receipt. In case the proposed insurance company and Insurance Agreement are deemed compliant with the Bank’s requirements, Insurance Agreement with such an insurance company can be accepted by the Bank for the purpose of pledge insurance. The assets pledged under the Credit Agreement should not stay uninsured for the period of documents consideration.

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