
Fixed-term Deposits

UniCredit Bank accepts temporarily available funds from its clients for term deposit. For these purposes, the client and the Bank conclude in advance an “Agreement on the General Terms and Conditions for Placing Available Funds of Legal Entities in ZAO UniCredit Bank”. Funds on deposit are accounted for in deposit accounts.

The minimum amount acceptable for deposit accounts is: 500,000 rubles for ruble accounts; $100,000 and 100,000 euro for deposits in U.S. dollars and Euro respectively. The holding period for funds on deposit varies from 1 day to 12 months. It is possible to keep money on deposit for periods of more than 12 months. The minimum amount and the period of the deposit for other currencies must be agreed upon by the Bank and the client for each individual case.

Funds deposited with the bank accrue interest at a rate agreed upon with the client; interest is paid on the last date of the deposit term. Interest rates on ruble deposits are determined on the basis of rates on the Russian inter-bank market; on foreign currency deposits they are based on the rates offered by the top Western banks. Interest rates on deposits may vary during the course of the day depending on the market. The interest rate is fixed for the entire term of the deposit.

Funds placed in a fixed-term deposit are debited from the settlement or any other account of the client with UniCredit Bank and, upon expiry of the term of the deposit, are credited to the same account.

UniCredit Bank accepts funds from clients for term deposits. In compliance with the principle of providing the best possible investment for funds borrowed in this manner, the Bank places them in the international and domestic financial markets with the lowest possible risk.

UniCredit Bank issues its own promissory notes. In contrast to fixed-term deposits, where the client is unable to make use of the funds during the period of the deposit, purchasing a promissory note issued by UniCredit Bank allows the note holder to use it in financial schemes and settlements with commercial partners prior to maturity.

Opening a Deposit Account

If a client has a checking or any other account with UniCredit Bank, no extra documents are required to open a deposit account. An exception to this rule, however, is the opening of a deposit account by non-resident clients without a representative office in the Russian Federation. Even if clients of this kind do have other accounts with UniCredit Bank, the opening of each and every deposit account requires them to submit their original tax registration certificate to the Bank.

If a client has no accounts with UniCredit Bank, each deposit account to be opened requires the submission of the following documents: notarized copies of charter documents, the state registration document, the tax registration certificate, the certificate of registration with the social security fund, and the card containing specimens of the signatures of authorized persons and the seal impression.

Схема бивалютного депозита

Benefits Risks
Higher depo rate than in term depo The company is exposed to FX risk
The convert rate (strike) is known at the beginning of the deal There is no capital protection – in case of unfavorable market movement it is possible to have some losses
Short term instrument

DCD currencies:

  • Main currency RUB, alternative currency USD or EUR
  • Main currency USD, alternative currency EUR or RUB
  • Main currency EUR, alternative currency USD or RUB

Minimum nominal:

  • USD 1.00 mio (or EUR, RUB equivalent)

Dual Currency Deposit (DCD)

At the currently market it is difficult to find a financial instrument with a proper risk / revenue ratio.

Dual Currency Deposit is elaborated for investors, who is willing to take an additional FX risk for a higher depo rate.

Bank provides a higher depo rate, because it has a right to convert the depo at exiration into another currency (at the agreed rate — strike)

  • If the spot rate doesn’t break through the strike at the expiration date, deposit remain its initial currency.
  • If the spot rate breaks through the strike at the expiration date, deposit converts into alternative currency (at a strike rate).
  • The depo interest is always paid in the initial currency.
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