
UniCredit Bank encourages volunteering by its employees for charity causes. The Bank also works with its employees to encourage healthy lifestyle, develop donor programmes and highlight environmental issues. 

Current projects and actions

Charity runs

Since 2010, UniCredit Bank has been actively involved in charity marathons. For six consecutive years the Bank participated in the race 5275, with the fund rising for the «Life Line» and «United Way» charity foundations.

In 2017 UniCredit Bank became the general partner of «UniCredit Bank and SPORT VO BLAGO» charity race organised together with the «Syndrome of Love» and «Downside Up» foundations, providing support to children with Down syndrome. Partners and over 600 participants and guests of the race helped to raise more than 2 million roubles to support the social and creative development studios for children with the Down syndrome.

On May 19, 2018, «UniCredit Bank and SPORT VO BLAGO» charity race again will be held, with UniCredit Bank as a general partner.

Donor Day

Blood transfusion is an essential part of treatment for children with oncological and haematological diseases. For several years in a row, together with the «Podari Zhizn» foundation, the Bank hosts the «Blood Donor Day» with active participation of the employees.

On June 2017, the «Blood Donor Day» was held at the head office of the Bank, about 100 employees took part. More than 30 litres of blood were donated to the Centre for Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and Immunology named after Dmitry Rogachev. Moreover, about 25 thousand roubles was collected in favour of the «Podari Zhizn» charity foundation. In the autumn of the same year, «Blood Donor Day» was held in the office of UniCredit Bank located in Nagatino. More than 60 employees of the Bank took part in the event, about 20 litres of blood were collected.

On June 1, 2018, the «Blood Donor Day» once again will be held in the office of UniCredit Bank.

Volunteer Day

UniCredit Bank actively supports the corporate volunteer movement where take part not only employees, but also their relatives. In 2017 the «Volunteer Day» was held in the large rose garden of Sokolniki Park. Each participant had the opportunity to contribute to the improvement of the rosary, to get acquainted with the unique exposition of plants, to participate in the thematic eco-quiz.

In July 2016, employees of the Bank took part in the eco-event in the Arboretum of the Losiny Ostrov National Park in Moscow. The participants were engaged in weeding, bush-cutting and firewood preparation for the heating of the Arboretum’s Eco Centre.

Spinning wheel animation


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